Recycled Metal Quiz

Hey! My name is Precious Metale. I am musically trained and ready to rock. I am a huge metal fan. I love it. I am INTO it. When it comes to metal, all the other raccoons on the Recycling Raccoon Squad defer to me. They know better than to mess in my zone. But since Michigan needs a little help, I’m willing to share my edgy, shiny brilliance with you. Listen to me. Learn from me. Because Precious knows metal.
Start the Quiz!Question 1
So let’s say you made a totally cool drum set out of a mess of tin cans ... but after this epic gig, it kind of fell apart and you can’t fix it and you just want to get rid of the cans. Do you:
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Answer: C
Rinse and empty them out and then recycle them. You don’t want to contaminate the rest of the recycling load, do you?
Next Question!Question 2
Can you leave the metal lid on a glass jar?
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Answer: NO WAY!
Dude, a metal lid is just like a metal can – it’s metal. So I’d put those lids in with the cans.
Next Question!Question 3
What do you do with the labels?
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Answer: B
Labels on metal cans are fine. Feel free to rip them off, but try not to get ripped off yourself by a crooked record label.
Next Question!Question 4
Which of the following are unacceptable to recycle curbside?
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Answer: F
Medical sharps like needles, syringes and lancets, as well as scrap metal and construction materials like nails, screws, etc., CANNOT be recycled through traditional curbside or drop-off recycling programs because they’re dangerous to recycling facility staff sorting them from other material. Boring music is not dangerous, just unacceptable. Scrap metal can be recycled at local scrap metal yards and drop-off sites.
Next Question!Question 5
Which of the following metals are recyclable?
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Answer: F
Cans that held things like soup, vegetables, refried beans, dog food and cat food are the most common. I don’t think I need to list all of them here. You know what a metal can is. It bums me out when I find metal cans in the recycle bin with food still in them because they need to be cleaned out first. It’s pretty simple. Rinse with water; stir it up a bit if you have to. Otherwise, I have to do it for you. Which you can’t rely on. I mean, since I am a wild raccoon, I can’t resist eating that stuff a lot, but I prefer not to.