Recycled Plastic Quiz

Welcome. My name is Nyla P. Lastic. Plastics Expert. My experience as a teacher has proved to be priceless – especially when it comes to educating folks about recycling. This short quiz is one of my favorites. Now ... I am a teacher. So you will be graded. But don’t let that intimidate you. I believe in methods that inspire positive outcomes, so feel free to test yourself as often as you can. Have fun!
Start the Quiz!Question 1
Plastic doesn’t need to be rinsed and emptied before it’s recycled.
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Answer: False
All plastics need to be rinsed and emptied before recycling.
Next Question!Question 2
Why is it a bad idea to put all your recyclables into a plastic bag? Choose two or more answers.
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Answer: A, B & D
Jamming all your recyclables into a plastic grocery bag or garbage bag is not cool. The workers at the recycling center have no idea what is inside the bag and must either rip open and empty the bag or just remove the whole bag and send it to the landfill. Plus, most curbside recycling programs don’t accept plastic bags either by themselves or full of other recyclables. So, be sure to put your recyclables loose in your cart or bin. If you use a plastic bag to collect your recyclables in, empty the bag into the recycling container and either reuse the bag, recycle it at a local participating grocery or retail store or put it in your garbage can.
Next Question!Question 3
How many drinking straws are you allowed to recycle?
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Answer: D
Plastic straws and utensils are usually not recycled because they are too small to be sorted at the recycling center. Consider using reusable straws and utensils instead.
Next Question!Question 4
Since plastic bags are not accepted for recycling in most curbside programs, plastic food bags must not be either.
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Answer: True
Plastic food storage bags are not usually accepted curbside. BUT ... many recycling drop-off centers and grocery and retail stores like Meijer, Kroger, Target and others DO collect plastic bags for recycling. Which is super cool. Look for the bins next time you’re shopping or just ask someone at the store.
Next Question!Question 5
Which of the following statements are true?
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Answer: E
All of the above.
Next Question!Question 6
Which products are sometimes made with recycled plastic?
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Answer: D
Plastic drinking bottles alone can be recycled into duvet filling, home insulation materials, various items of clothing, bin liners, carrier bags, DVD and video game cases, compost bins, park benches, new bottles and much more.
Next Question!Question 7
What would happen if you put a plastic lawn chair in the recycling bin?
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Answer: C
Large, bulky, plastic items are generally NOT accepted by recyclers curbside. Check with your local recycling program to see if bulky plastics are accepted in your area.