Recycled Glass Quiz

Hey! My name is Gladys Glass. I am the glass specialist on the Recycling Raccoon Squad. You’d think that glass recycling is pretty straightforward, but it’s not! I get asked about the rules all the time. So, this quiz should help you figure it out. By the end of this quiz, the rules to recycling glass will be clear to you … as clear as a nice, clean pickle jar!
Start the Quiz!Question 1
Which of the following statements is correct?
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Answer: C
Rules tend to vary from community to community. That’s why it’s important to check with your local service provider.
Next Question!Question 2
OK, so how clean and dry must glass really be before recycling?
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Answer: D
Recyclable glass must be free of organic matter in order to be recycled. Poorly rinsed-out jars or containers have to be pulled out at the recycling center and sent to the landfill because they may contaminate other recyclable materials – which is counterproductive and a bummer. Clean them out nicely!
Here’s my favorite tip: All you need to do is fill the jar, bottle or can with water and swish the water around until the contents are removed from the sides. To be honest, I am a raccoon who is quite particular about this stuff.*
*In fact, I might be the only wild raccoon to actually use water to clean out glass containers. Most raccoons use water just to dip their food into. Which is the source of a major raccoon myth. People often see us dipping our food in water and think that we are washing our food – we’re not. Water is important to our sense of touch – it increases the receptiveness of the nerve endings in our paws and substantially increases our tactile senses. Which probably explains my great skill and expertise at cleaning out glass containers. I love it so! But I digress. Please remember to clean out all glass containers before recycling. – Sincerely, Gladys
Next Question!Question 3
It doesn’t matter what color the glass is – it’s all recyclable.
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Answer: Maybe
Check with your local service provider to learn which color of glass is recyclable where you live.
Next Question!Question 4
Glass used for cooking purposes (like Pyrex) is accepted.
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Answer: False
Glass cookware (like Pyrex) is not usually accepted by recyclers. But tasty entrees made with glass cookware that end up in your trash can are almost always accepted by hungry raccoons looking for a snack. We try not to make a mess of things, but sometimes we can’t help ourselves. Sorry.
Next Question!Question 5
Which glass is usually acceptable for recycling curbside?
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Answer: A
Glass containers that ARE used for food products like pasta sauce, jelly, pickles, etc. Broken glass from mirrors or windows or old or broken eyeglasses cannot be recycled curbside.
Next Question!Question 6
Older-style filament lightbulbs are not recyclable in my curbside recycling cart … but modern LED lightbulbs are!
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Answer: False
Maybe. Lightbulbs are not recyclable in your curbside recycling cart. Stores such as Lowe’s and Home Depot offer recycling drop-off for CFl bulbs and fluorescents.